Home Top Stories Sindh cabinet approves teachers’ licence policy

Sindh cabinet approves teachers’ licence policy

Sindh cabinet approves teachers’ licence policy

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah presides over a cabinet meeting at CM House on May 25, 2023. — Provided by the reporter
Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah presides over a cabinet meeting at CM House on May 25, 2023. — Provided by the reporter 

KARACHI: The Sindh government on Thursday approved the teachers’ licence policy which was proposed by the School Education & Literacy Department. 

Speaking during the cabinet meeting, Provincial Minister for Education Sardar Ali Shah said that the purpose of the teaching licence policy is to bring professional skills to teachers. 

“The countries that have introduced the teaching licence system have advanced in education,” the minister said, adding that Pakistan ranks 63 among 64 countries in the international mathematics and science studies trends.

He added that there would be three types of teaching licences which include primary, elementary and secondary. He said that the licence will be given to new teachers after they take the test. 

“The licence will be valid for five years and will be renewed. The licence will be for the new 700 vacancies and the teachers will be recruited on grade BS-16,” he added.

Experts from Aga Khan Board, the non-profit organisation Durbeen and other institutions will make the policy. As per the policy, a teacher should a license for promotion. 

The Sindh cabinet has okayed the policy and also approved the appointment of Syed Rasool Bux Shah as Sindh Teachers Education Development’s (STEDA) executive director. 

Sardar Shah, philanthropist Shehzad Roy and representatives of the Aga Khan Board will hold a detailed press conference on teachers’ licences tomorrow (Friday). 

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