Home Global News Hotel Arbez: Where you can sleep in two countries at the same time – SUCH TV

Hotel Arbez: Where you can sleep in two countries at the same time – SUCH TV

Hotel Arbez: Where you can sleep in two countries at the same time – SUCH TV

If you are asked if it is possible to exist in two countries at the same time, you will probably call the questioner silly, but today we will surprise you that it is absolutely possible.

There is one hotel in the world where you can sleep in two countries at once.

Yes, if you want to stay in two countries at the same time, you have to go to the Hotel Arbez Franco-Suisse located in Lacoeur, on the border with France and Switzerland.

According to international media reports, this hotel is located in a unique place where the borders of France and Switzerland pass, therefore it is the only hotel in the world that is located in two countries at the same time.

The unique location of the hotel is due to a new border agreement signed between France and Switzerland in 1862 called the Treaty of Dappes, in which France and Switzerland signed a small agreement to give France complete control of the road near the border territory

It was also decided in the agreement that the buildings established in the common border area of ​​the two countries will remain in place.

In this situation, a local businessman to take advantage of the border area opened a shop and bar on the border between the two countries, which became a full-fledged Hotel Arbeez in 1921.

Due to the establishment of a hotel on the border of the two countries, half of this hotel is in France and half in Switzerland, tourists stay in a hotel in two countries at the same time.

Some of the rooms in this hotel are half in France and half in Switzerland, so if guests sleep in these rooms, their head is in Switzerland and their feet are in France. It has been verified here that the customer staying at this hotel can sleep in two countries at the same time.

Being located on the border of the two countries, the hotel accepts French and Swiss currency, while the hotel has separate phone numbers for both countries.

In addition, hotel management pays taxes in both France and Switzerland.

You will also be surprised to know that only French food is served in the French part of the hotel, while Swiss food is served in the Swiss part.

The hotel also has French and Swiss flags to indicate the two countries so guests know which country they are in while staying at the hotel.

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